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This blog is to supply you with infinitely useful Dutch phrases. You might be wondering, "Why, when will I ever use Dutch?" That's the exact point of this: You never know! Who knows the next time you might be suddenly mobbed by angry Dutch activists will be, or when that new exchange student shows up speaking Dutch, or when you find yourself lost in a windmill! These infinitely useful phrases sure will be useful then! So study up, and thank us later for our helpful phrases.

Daily Phrase 13

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Phrase: Het doet me denken aan prachtige schilderijen uit de zeventeende eeuw.

It reminds me of the beautiful paintings of the 17th century.

Example for use in normal conversation:
I can't believe we got such great tickets to this performance!
B: I'd say. There is no other performance more graceful than the musical ballet "The Sperm Whale and The Lost Duck That Might Have Been A Dog."
A: Indeed. Those graceful movements of the sperm whale dance are so hardcore.
B: Het doet me denken aan prachtige schilderijen uit de zeventeende eeuw.